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Rescue: Line, Maze and CoSpace

RoboCup RESCUE: Line, Maze and CoSpace


An autonomous robot should follow a black line while overcoming different problems in a modular arena formed by tiles with different patterns. The floor is white in color and the tiles are on different levels connected with ramps. Teams are not allowed to give their robot any advance information about the field as the robot is supposed to recognize the field by itself.


The land is simply too dangerous for humans to reach the victims. Your team has been given a difficult task. The robot must be able to carry out the rescue mission in a fully autonomous mode with no human assistance. The robot must be durable and intelligent enough to navigate through treacherous terrain with hills, uneven land and rubble without getting stuck. The robot must search for victims, dispense rescue kits, and signal the position of the victims so the humans can take over.

Subleague- CoSpace

Teams have to develop and program appropriate strategies for both real and virtual autonomous robots to navigate through the real and virtual worlds to collect objects while competing with another team’s robot that is searching and collecting objects in the same real and virtual worlds. The Rescue CoSpace Simulator is the only official platform for the sub-league.


RoboCup 2018 was held in Montréal, where about 188 teams from 41 regions participated

June 17-22, 2018 Palais des congrès

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